Blueprint For A Dignified World – Interpreting Guru Granth Sahib in 2015

Blueprint For A Dignified World – Interpreting Guru Granth Sahib in 2015

By S. Harinder Singh


Modern world has come a long way since the advent of Guru Nanak Sahib on the Earth, yet the message of Guru Granth Sahib has increasingly become inaccessible. The capitalist society is steeply moving past the industrial world driven by ruthless greed on the back of great technological advances, with a severe negative impacts on geo-politics and environment. In this increasingly impersonal world the nature and human dimension of the society is the first casualty. Person has become alien to itself, giving rise to severe mental and physical health issues and wellbeing. At such a critical juncture, Gurbani not only resonates with the human mind and heart, it also sympathetically addresses the underlying human concern and yearning to find meaning and purpose of life.

This identifies major challenges faced by the society in 2015 and puts them into perspective. With the help of directives from Gurbani Sikhi inspired governance models, it attempts to provide alternatives to pressing global issues and establish Gurbani’s universality beyond time and space.

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About the Author

HarinderHarinder Singh traded his roots as an Aerospace engineer in 1997 to embark on community building.  He ignites the revival of Sikh spirit as inspired by the Gurus. Spearheading the revival are two organizations co-founded by him. Sikh Research Institute with over 300,000 Sikhs to revitalize values & build institutions continuing the Sikh revolution.

Panjab Digital Library is preserving the rich culture through the digitization of 11 million pages, making it the world’s largest repository of Sikh and Panjabi heritage. An an activist, he is leveraging the original freshness of Sikhi as a fulcrum for social change.


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